Jumpycat Studios is a collaborative effort between Vera Greentea and Jasmine Brown. My Parallel Life is their first work together.
Vera Greentea
Vera Greentea is the author of several dark fantasy and horror graphic novels, including the recent award-nominated Grimoire Noir. Her work has been praised by Lev Grossman, Neil Gaiman, Kirkus Reviews and many more. She founded Greentea Publishing, a small press comics publisher that is known for putting out independent and beautifully illustrated, smart work. She lives for audiobooks, hot cocoa, and putting NASA stickers on everything.
Jasmine Brown
Jasmine Brown is a writer, producer and educator from NYC. Some of Jasmine’s favorite works include her award winning screenplay Ben and Rick are Dating and the multimedia theatre piece she co-wrote about the triangle shirtwaist fires, Uprising, which she produced with the theatre company she co-owns, Between Us Productions. She really likes podcasts.